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​The CHAROITE deposit “Sirenevyi Kamen” has only been known for less than 50 years, and this is the only location in the world where this material was found. It is located in the Murun Mountains in Yakutia, Russia. Charoite was discovered and explored by Russian geologists Vera P. Rogova and Yuri G. Rogov in the end of 1950s, but only in 1978 the name “charoite” was confirmed by the Commission on New Mineral Species. Charoite has a glorious purple color with the unique pattern of swirls, feathers and needles. It may contain patches or stars of black (Aegerine), orange (Tinaksite) and also transparent crystals (Microcline Feldspar). This material is actually a silicate of potassium, calcium and sodium [K(Na, Ca)11(Ba, Sr)Si18O46(OH, F) -nH2O]. It ranks 5.0 on the Moh’s Scale of Hardness. Its density is approximately 2.5 - 2.8. Charoite is said to be the stone of the spirit. Wearing Charoite is believed to enhance self-esteem, accelerate spiritual growth, soothe hot emotions, give a feeling of security. Charoite changes loneliness to love and warms the heart, it shows you the way through your fears to perfect peace.



Pendants and Pendulums


Stones and Shapes


Colored by Nature.

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